Details matter when you’re dressing up, that’s why looking good comes down to the little things. Things like your pocket square, cufflinks and even your best dress socks can matter just as much as the suit you’re wearing. That’s because, unless you’re wearing a bespoke suit, most of them look pretty similar. However, if properly styled through your accessories, you can start to make that off-the-rack suit you’re wearing look fit for a king. A great pair of dress socks or a coordinated pocket square allow you the opportunity to inject a little style and personality into your more formal looks.
Crisp white shirts, quiet ties, and dark suits can look sharp, but don’t really stand out from the crowd. It’s just that certain situations require a little edge, and the best way to do that is by having the right socks to choose from. Southern Scholar makes sure that happens by delivering a quality pair to your doorstep so you always have the perfect socks for every occasion. Here are some of the best parts:

Let’s be honest, it’s easy to forget about socks until you need them. Sure, your suit is the first thing off to the dry cleaners the day after your college buddy’s wedding, but socks have an amazing talent for ending up underneath the bed or lost in the dryer.
So when your big job interview rolls around later that week and you panic five minutes before you’re supposed to leave because you can’t find clean socks, you simply remember that you have a subscription to Southern Scholar and a brand new pair of well designed dress socks just arrived the other day. You end up nailing the interview.
The coolest socks aren’t that cool when everyone has them, and when all of your friends buy their socks from the same department store, they all end up looking the same. Don’t worry though. Your socks will always be the coolest. It’s a pretty safe bet that the socks Southern Scholar delivers right to your doorstep will catch everyone’s eye and, paired with their complimentary style guide, make them think you know what you’re doing.

Some exclusive clubs have a secret handshake or a special signet ring, and others have a monthly delivery of some of the best dress socks you’ll ever get. Southern Scholar is like the last one, and it’s a sock of the month club you’ll probably love so much you won’t want to keep it a secret. Don’t worry, it’s not a secret club and you can tell everyone you want. The secret handshake is up to you.
It doesn’t really matter what you’re doing all day, whether you’re sitting at the desk or cruising cubicle row, your socks will be visible. That’s because the modern cut of your suit tapers a bit higher to show a little sock and that gives you the perfect opportunity to let your coworkers know they’re dealing with someone who understands style and takes it seriously.
Besides, you already know that the socks you choose are just as important as your tie, shoes and pocket square, so you might as well help everyone else out too. Though, it’s possible they would have noticed just from your increased confidence, swagger and extra pep in the step that comes from wearing great socks.
Libraries aren’t built overnight. Usually. Your sock library is no different. It takes time to carefully assemble the colorful patterns and prints that make up your favorite foot collection. Southern Scholar helps you relish in each addition to your eventual sock palace by carefully selecting the perfect sock candidate each month and delivering a pair directly to your doorstep.
Details do matter when you want to look good. Even if society has dictated most of what you’re wearing in and out of most days, you have control over the fun stuff. That’s what a subscription to Southern Scholar is – a monthly dose of a little well-dressed fun. So whether you’re adding flair to your wardrobe or know a friend in desperate need of some solid socks, there’s no better way than having great socks show up when you need them.